Table of Contents – is a site that provides VPS NAT for free and you can use to learn Linux Servers, Host Telegram Bots, WhatsApp Bots, Python Scripts, Web Servers and browse using NAT VPS.
NAT VPS is a VPS that uses the NAT (Network Address Translation) method so that one IPv4 can be shared to many VPS and provides a different port for each user.
To be able to use a Free NAT VPS, the first thing you have to do is register an account on the site. To register a new account, you need a Telegram ID. How to get your Telegram ID? Here’s how.
How to Get Telegram ID
Open your Telegram and type in the search field @HaxTG_bot
Click START to start running the Bot and you will automatically get your Telegram ID.
If your Telegram ID doesn’t appear, you can type the command /getid to check your Telegram ID.
You have successfully obtained your Telegram ID and copied your Telegram ID.
How to Register on
In order to get a free NAT VPS, you go to the site and select the Register menu. Then Paste the Telegram ID that you copied from the BOT and click the Submit button.
Then a verification code will be sent to your Telegram account.
Copy the verification code and paste it in the Verification Code field. Enter an easy-to-remember password to log in later and click the Submit button.
Your account is already active, you only need to click the LOGIN button.
Enter your Telegram ID and enter the password you created earlier. Check I’m not a robot and click the Submit button.
Now you have successfully logged in and can create a free NAT VPS.
How to Make a Free NAT VPS
After successfully logging in, you click the button >create one here.
You will go to the VPS NAT creation form page. Please fill in according to your needs.
- Data Center : Select an available NAT VPS Location.
- Operating System: Select the operating system that suits your needs.
- Password : Create a password for the NAT VPS.
- VPS destination: Choose according to your needs in using VPS. If for Web Server choose Web Server, if you want to use VPS for VPN then choose VPN Server and many others.
- Check all options, then tick I’m not a robot and click the CREATE VPS button.
Then you click the VPS Info button to check your VPS details whether it is active or not.
The image shows that your VPS is active and to check the real time status of your VPS, you can click check real time status here.
The following image shows that the VPS is Online and you can login to the VPS using those IPv6 addresses.